Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Rockie Fresh - Driving 88 (Mixtape)

This is the second mixtape that I've download from the Chicago based rapper, Rockie Fresh. Much like the prior post, the main reason I even looked into Rockie Fresh was because of a Phil Ade feature, which actually ended up making my 'best of' for that month. His first mixtape, The Other Side, was OK but definitely nothing that had real replay value for me (besides "Living" and a couple of other tracks). This time around, Rockie Fresh has definitely stepped up his game, but still not what I consider a force to be reckoned with. Both his lyrics and beat selection have improved, and he has kept his wise feature selection on Driving 88 by lending verses to Cassey Veggies, King Louie and Phil Ade. Yet still, his style just doesn't do it for me at times. His flow is the same from bar to bar, which allows the listener to tune out easily. His music is relaxing and calm enough to read or write a paper to. Although Rockie Fresh is far from something one would play to get his day going, he is still definitely a solid artist with possibilities of a profitable career in the music industry. Expect to hear some of Driving 88 on this months mix.

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