Monday, January 23, 2012

Name That Sample: Miles Davis - Blue in Green

Yet another slice to add to the blog in order to add some diversity. Lets be honest, not enough good hip hop comes out monthly too keep my readers entertained, so I'll just have to come up with other creative ways to keep you tuned in.

In this segment, I'll select an original song and have you try and figure out who has sampled it in a hip hop record. Normally I will chose songs that may be more obvious because of the song's popularity, but this time around I have chosen a song that not even I know the answer to (which actually gave me the inspiration for this type of blog). So if you know what hip hop record has sampled this tune, please put me out of my misery and tell me! The torture of not knowing is almost worse than the feeling of being water boarded by a government agent.

The song chosen this first time around is "Blue in Green" by Miles Davis. The section I believe is sampled begins around the 1:47 mark. Good Luck!

Download Blue in Green


Anonymous said...



Otis Da Bomb Shit! said...

hahah nice!