Monday, January 23, 2012

Mac Miller - Jerry's Record Store

My initial thoughts on Mac Miller were, "Who is this weak ass white boy?". It wasn't until I heard some of the rappers/producers I respect work with the teen that I really gave the kid a chance. Since then, I've learned to really understand why so many people have respect for him. What I find so appealing about Mac Miller is his genuine nature. As weird as it sounds, the Pittsburgh native isn't a sell out. While Blue Slide Park is obviously filled with radio friendly material*, he still leaves room for that classic boom bap sound that hip hop heads love and spend countless hours riffling through mp3 and zip files to find (not to mention Miller's work has been party music from the get go, so its not as though he necessarily changed his style up once he hit the mainstream). Just listen to beat selection and lyric content on this track and tell me Miller put this track out in hopes that it would raise his salary. While "Jerry's Record Store" isn't one of my favorite Mac Miller joints, I decided to show the 2011 freshman some love on his latest release.

"Believe in god but don't believe religion" <-- Word

*Instead of hating on artist for putting out radio friendly singles, be happy for them that they've made it this far and that they've been given the opportunity to make a good living out of their undeniable talents. Jealousy is such an ugly trait.

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