Monday, February 13, 2012

Hip Hip Quotables: Momma's Momma

Hip Hop Quotables are just another piece to this site that adds ignition to the reader to keep coming back. While tunes can create a positive mood to the listener through simply melodies, it is lyrics alone that make or brake an artist. These posts focus on the level of deepness an artist reaches to the listener. Whether it be the additional confidence a certain line brings the fan (AKA swag), or on a more essential level, the maturity a few words brings the person, music is filled with life lessons.

In this case, my initial inspiration/Facebook quote is J. Cole's line off "I Get Up". The North Carolina native reiterates Hova's line, "9-5 is how you survive, I ain't tryin' to survive, I'm tryin' to throw my momma in rides!" (2:57). This line alone is inspiring to the typical ambitious fan who's trying to make it out of the vicious cycle we're all born into. Being a momma's boy, I know I owe more than just the world to the person who gave me life. Luxuries and a life of success isn't enough for just me; this life is also meant for the person who taught me the most fundamental lessons...

Now to take it to an even further level, I not only want to please my closest friend, but my best friend's best friend. Kendrick Lamar speaks about showing his mother's mother a stress free good life. "... movin' grams like relocating your momma's momma" (1:25). While Cole's line was more straight to the point, Kendrick's line is more aspiring and poetic. He not only delivers a success driven point, but does it through word play. He uses "movin' grams" as in a measurement of the drug that's being sold and 'Grams' as in a nick make for his beloved grandmother. This metaphor not only parades that his mother will see his success first hand, but the person that granted his mother life will see that success as well.

If you want a track filled with HHQs listen to ROTC (Right On Time Conscience) in its entirety. It's most defenitly a thought we all go through. Lets all pray to the gods that this Cole/Lamar album sees the light of day.

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