Monday, February 13, 2012

You Can't Be Serious: Blu Gets Interrupted

It's a sad day in hip hop when when one of you favorite emcees gets stopped in the middle of his performance only to be told his show is weak. While the fan is obviously under the influence, I can't say i don't agree with him (although I would never do what he did). The fact is that Blu is not a great performer. The guy is one of the best lyrically, but he definitely does not live up to the notion of "M.C. means Move the Crowd". And I could say this from first hand experience from seeing my top 5 favorite Emcee a few years back at Berkley's Hip Hop in the Park. Without much stage presence, he sort of just strolled around the stage passively reciting his lyrics and occasionally forgetting his own heart felt written lyrics (no joke he actually started a song over because he messed up within the first 6-8 bars). I love my boy Blu, but if he's looking for longevity, he's got to make some changes.

On a brighter side, check out one of Blu's hidden gems.

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