Monday, February 28, 2011

Lupe Fiasco is Not Real Happy With Album

Ha! I called it... Poor Lupe doesn't feel great about his album which drops next month. His hit single "The Show Goes On" was pushed onto him by his label in order to reach the masses. It's sad that an artist this great is forced to put out work that he's not even a fan of. Fuck the mainstream if that's where these white guys in suites are going to take it. Record labels need to stop getting in the way of Emcees making true classic hip hop albums (not that Trill OG BS).

Check out what DX said, Lupe Fiasco Explains How Compromise Affected "Lasers"

But... We saw what happened to Rhymefest. He went independent because his label was pushing him around and El Che was a disaster.

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