Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Lupe's Lazers May Not Be Coming Out!?!?

So according to a recent interview with Complex Mag, Lupe Fiasco has been having problems with his label for his choice in music style (hmm... sounds like Rhymefest's issue with Alido Records). Since their current problems and disagreements, they have yet to set a release date for his 3rd album Lazers. Lupe Fiasco claims that, "The situation with me and my record company has gotten to the point where it's just like... we're really at our final straws. People could say it's me, that 'Lupe doesn't want to make popular music' or 'the label has to have records they can sell and Lupe is not giving them the records they want to sell' and XYZ...". Nothing is set in stone though. Check out HipHopDx for the full article.

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