Thursday, March 3, 2011

OFWGKTA Blowin' Up!

So I first found out about the group a while back when they had their solid fan base. Last month, Tyler, the Creator, dropped the "Yonkers" music video and tripled that fan base within a few days. The attention grabbing video brought listeners into watching the hilarious youtube videos of these guys living their "don't give a fuck" lifestyle and just them having a good time. The music is good, but what makes OFWGKTA great, is their image; unlike anything out there. Not only did they build up an underground movement big enough to get them on mainstream networks, but they have reached this level of success with out compromising (Sorry Lupe). On top of that, they are 18, 19, and 20 year olds who are fucking hilarious.


OFWGKTA on Jimmy Fallon

Are these young misfits just another brief trend? Or are we really in for an odd future?

Download Sessions

"I'm a f*ckin' table!"

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